
Sunday, December 12, 2010

I had given 'X' amount of flops. I can't run away from that: Abhishek Bachchan

 I had given `X` amount of flops. I can`t run away from that: Abhishek Bachchan Abhishek gets introspective about luck, his career, his last film, his Pa and the coming year

Abhishek Bachchan never wanted to be the country's biggest star like his dad. People expected him to be. He just wanted to act, like many other star kids.

But he wasn't ANY star kid. He was the Big B's son. So his flops always seemed bigger and his hits never big enough. Somewhere along the way, he accepted it as his destiny.

He didn't defend himself and stopped his dad from defending him. He went into hiding after his (or rather Mani Ratnam's) last dud, Raavan.

He emerged after Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey (KHJJS). Though it opened poorly, he is proud of the film. Read on to find out why as far as he is concerned, the film is a success.

I believe KHJJS didn't get a good opening, as it wasn't promoted well. Agree?
If you say that, I will accept it, because I look at it as a reaction. But I also feel that a film like this cannot be promoted like any other normal film. I can't promote this film as the same way as Dostana, by going on reality shows etc, because you have to maintain the dignity of the film.

Postmortems important or waste of time?
Postmortems are very, very essential. I learnt something important from Ashutosh during the making of this film a completely different way to analyse a film from what I have been doing. He always says to ask yourself: What goal did you set yourself when you decided to make this film? Have you achieved that?

If you did that, that's a form of success. Success should not always be measured with box office. I never thought like that before. I am an industry kid. I believed that if you make a film, it should make money, it should be a box-office success.

Your last few films haven't done well. Bad luck or bad films?
(long pause) I don't know. Luck plays a huge factor, but we take the easy way out by saying it's bad luck. Having said that, everybody's making a big deal about it.

My last two films have not worked but people are conveniently forgetting that I had a Dostana and a Paa before that. But it's a mixture of everything. At the end of the day, the genre doesn't matter. You just have to connect with the audience. Maybe they didn't connect with the films I have done.

Do you think you get singled out for more criticism because of whose son you are?
No. I've never thought like that, because I would like to believe I am not given special treatment, in the positive or the negative way. I think you get what you deserve. I've also been on the other side of the fence, when my films were doing well and no one was criticising me. In the end you have to give a successful film, that's all they want.

I meant the media, not the audience.
The media is an audience as well, I don't differentiate. That's something people don't understand about me. I equate them on the same level. I don't get affected by criticism. After my first two films, I did. I was young, immature, and I was like, 'Hey, I am working very hard, why are they doing this to me?' Then when you gain a bit more experience, you wonder, 'Why am I fighting this?' 'Why have I got it into my head that somebody has an agenda against me?'

The fact of the matter is that my films are not working. So if my films are not working, there has to be a reason for that. If my movies were doing exceptionally well and I was still getting criticism, I could have got negative about the whole thing.

Why do actors think, 'Oh I have been singled out!'? To think that I am being singled out because I am my father's son would've been a very easy crutch and convenient. What's the fact of the matter?

My last film did not work. If it did work, would you say the same thing? Oh, they are being nice to me because I am my father's son? No, it's a very easy crutch to use. You should go out there and take it on the chin when you deserve it.

Did you tell your dad not to talk about your films? He stopped that after Raavan.
For a parent, I think that's very sad. Any parent reading this would agree. You've made a father so aware that he cannot pass comments on his own son's work.

But we have to accept the fact that some people don't appreciate Amitabh Bachchan, the icon, passing comments on his son's work. So be it. I know what he thinks of my films because he tells me to my face. When I do a good job, I get a big hug.

When I don't, I am told what I've done wrong and how to improve it. I've done a lot of work to get my parents' approval and it puts me on the top of the world when they like my work. And when they don't, I get advice from two of the best actors in the industry, so....

When Prahlad Kakkar made digs at you, you hit back. It was one of those rare times you reacted. Why?
I didn't react to what he said about me. I know Prahlad. He was at my wedding. He is a fun guy. I have no absolutely no problem with what he said about me and that's because it is the truth.

What did he say?
That I had given 'X' amount of flops. I have. I can't run away from that, it's my reality, I accept it. He said I should be in the Guinness Book of Records. I am already there (for breaking a record during the promotion of Delhi-6). I have absolutely no problem with what he said about me. But I have a huge problem with people taking potshots at my film industry.

A large group of people work very hard and make films with a lot of blood and sweat. It's unfortunate that we are always targetted.

To call the industry a mom-and-pop store where only sons and nephews (get a chance) is unfair.

You want to say something about me, fine. No problem, go ahead. But don't take potshots at the film industry. I feel very strongly about it maybe because I have been born and brought up in this industry.

I have grown up in this fraternity, playing with the spotboys and lightmen on my father's sets. They are all like my extended family and that's why I reacted.

Any reaction to Anurag Kashyap's comments on KHJJS and your dad.
I have nothing to say about that.

As an actor, any resolution for 2011?
I don't have resolutions. They are the first thing to go out the window.


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